Do you produce traditional cheese?
Do you work in the cheese industry without whey separation?
Do you manufacture processed cheese for your clients?
We understand the specific needs of each of these segments and their manufacturing process. Our Promilk® milk proteins are easy to use and provide:
- simplifying your production process and increasing profits,
- providing your products with taste and texture, keeping your clients happy!
Traditional cheesemaking: balancing profits and quality
Would you like to standardize your production process? Increase profits while conserving and managing the quality of the final product? We help you meet these goals with our high value-added milk proteins.
Depending on the season and how the cows are fed (pasture/fodder), the quality of the milk that you use to make your cheese may vary. Adding milk proteins will standardize your production. Our Promilk® milk proteins are particularly rich in native or functional caseins because of how they are produced:
- They enrich your milk when it is low in protein, particularly in winter,
- They reduce coagulation time,
- They have specific functions (texture, creaminess, stringiness, taste, etc.).
Your yields are higher, and your equipment is more productive. You can manage the quality of your cheese All of your finished products (including light cheese) respect the organoleptic properties expected from cheese: elasticity, hardness, richness, brittleness, microstructure, solubility, stickiness. And the taste retains its original characteristics between salty, sweet, acidic and bitter, since the proteins have a neutral taste.
Our ingredients are adapted to all traditional cheeses whether they are hard (emmental, gouda, etc.), soft (camembert, etc.), stringy like mozzarella, etc.
Cheesemaking without whey separation: simplifying processes and offering a greater variety
You make a variety of cheese without whey separation. Did you know that milk proteins can help you too?
- increase yields (100 % of yield),
- simplify production,
- provide your finished products with texture and taste?
The benefits:
- Reduction in net production and investment costs, without sacrificing quality,
- Recipe costs are optimized.
With our milk proteins, you can produce a wide variety of cheese at a low cost. They can affect taste, the sensory profile, texture, fluidity, hydration, improve rheology (cheese deformation and running), etc.
You can offer very diverse cheeses in shape, taste and fat content to your clients. You can adapt your production to local standards and create light versions that don’t compromise on taste!

Processed cheese: optimizing costs and obtaining texture and taste
Do you make melted cheese? You have your own requirements:
- taste, texture and new functions,
- optimizing recipe costs.
Our Promilk® milk proteins are rich in native caseins. They can adapt to your specific needs: elasticity, grating, spreading, melting and stringiness.
These ingredients are ready and easy to use. They make your production processes easier and more flexible.
As they are fully sourced from milk, our proteins comply with the November 12, 2013 regulation on finished product nutrition labels. Melted cheese is completely natural, fully transparent for the consumer, and fulfils expected functions without additives. You can then add as many spices and herbs as you want: our milk proteins have a neutral taste.
We offer technical support to help you include them in your production process.
Our milk proteins are practical, innovative, and will inspire you for the cheeses of the future: portable, drinkable cheese, etc.
Traditional cheesemaking, cheesemaking without whey separation, processed cheese: our Promilk® milk proteins help you simplify your processeand manage the quality of your finished products. With our ingredients, you save on production costs and guarantee client satisfaction.
Total milk proteins have same ratio caseins (80%) / solutable proteins solubles (20%) as milk.
Total milk proteins are extracted from fresh milk by membrane separation. This soft process enable proteins to keep native structure.
Theyare particularly outstanding in application and have excellent properties: texturizing, enrichment and standardization of milk.
In cheese making, total milk proteins PROMILK® are used in fresh cheese and processed cheese formulations. They bring texture to cheese and optimize yields.
Micellar caseins are high added value proteins thanks to their ratio casein (92%) / native whey protein (8 %) and their high level in bioavailable calcium.
Our manufacturing process enables to concentrate micellar casein under their native form.
Micellar caseins have exceptional hydration properties and are thermostable, so are particularly easy to use. In cheese industry, they bring texturizing properties et give structure to cheese.
They are used for milk’s enrichment and for manufacturing of traditional cheese / processed chesse / cheese without whey separation.